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Vittoria Coffee - Maragogype

For long-standing client Vittoria Coffee, we travelled to the depths of Nicaragua to uncover the origins of their very rare coffee bean and produce a video on ‘The Story of the Maragogype.’ Filmed with a Costa Rican film crew in the hills of Jinotega, the video was a unique look into the stories of the farmers and the community that all come together to produce this fascinating coffee bean. 

To further the story, we also had the opportunity to redesign the packaging for the Maragogype bean, bringing it more in line with the ‘family brand’ while also ensuring that it stood out as a specialty offering. Exploring different finishing options including de-bossing, varnishing and foils, we designed a look and feel that stood out on the shelves. By adding the origin story onto the pack, we also tied it back to ‘The Story of the Maragogype’ video.